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Liz Madsen, FCP, FNTP
Ovulation: It's kind of a Big Deal
In the world of NFP and Fertility Awareness we are focused on one main event, the day of ovulation. Here's how it happens, what to look...

Liz Madsen, FCP, FNTP
3 Main Methods of NFP + FA
I'm here to simplify what I have learned and jump right into the practical steps you can take right now: checking out the methods.

Liz Madsen, FCP, FNTP
NFP or Fertility Awareness?
Fertility Awareness will tell you when you are fertile and infertile, but NFP will draw you closer to God and one another.

Liz Madsen, FCP, FNTP
Protection and other bad words
Oh yes, I make sure to wear full body armor before my husband and I engage in the most intimate of activities.

Liz Madsen, FCP, FNTP
Postpartum Fertility - The 56 Day Instruction
Did you know after the birth of a baby, if the mom is totally breastfeeding, the first 56 days are considered infertile?

Liz Madsen, FCP, FNTP
Behind the name Siena Fertility + Wellness
I changed the name of my business to Siena Fertility + Wellness. I'm going to tell you what this business is here to accomplish. When I...

Liz Madsen, FCP, FNTP
Super Easy Baked Salmon
Do you want salmon in your life but don't know where to start? Here is the easiest recipe for it. I know it's easy because I can do it....

Liz Madsen, FCP, FNTP
NFP is a Team Sport
It's hard to create new habits, especially when it comes to charting for your fertility with your spouse. Here is how it could work for...

Liz Madsen, FCP, FNTP
Is it PPD?
We all know of the dreaded PPD, but knowing if you are suffering is tricky, because if you are, you might not know it. My PPD Story I...

Liz Madsen, FCP, FNTP
Make Your Own Bone Broth
Create this delicious nutrition powerhouse in your own kitchen! Hello from the cloudy skies, cold weather and close quarters of February...
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